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The Fire Angel Wi-Safe2 Carbon Monoxide alarm FP1820W2 (previously W2-CO-10X) is a 10 year battery powered, sealed-for-life, wireless interlink CO alarm with advanced diagnostics that gives complete protection from CO poisoning in the home. It sends a wireless signal to all other Wi-Safe 2 products (such as the vibrating pad and strobe alert panel sold separately) when it detects CO, giving an early warning and better chance of escape.
This alarm will continuously detect for the presence of Carbon Monoxide and will sound a loud 85dB alarm to alert you in case of an emergency.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas often called the silent killer. CO can prove fatal, additionally it is thought that many CO incidents remain undetected, as low level poisoning symptoms can be mistaken for flu, nausea or headaches.
This alarm contains an advanced electrochemical sensor designed to accurately measure levels of CO. The micro-processor within the alarm has the ability to retain event history and report both the status of the alarm together with the last 10 alarm events, including when they happened and the CO level at the time of alarm. This is vital if a CO incident were to occur.
The W2-CO-10X is easy to fit with an inbuilt bracket providing single or double point fixing options. It also has end of life indication and a ‘sleep-easy’ function which allows the end of life warning chirp to be temporarily silenced for 8 hours.
The W2-CO-10X is certified to BS EN 50291-1:2010 and BS EN 50291-2:2010.
Approx size: 94 x 114 x 40mm.
Key features include:
Ideally, an alarm should be installed in every room
containing a fuel-burning
appliance and every sleeping room. Additional alarms may be
installed to ensure that adequate warning is given for occupants in
other rooms, in which they
spend considerable time whilst awake and from which they may
not be able to hear an alarm in another part of the premises.
CO alarms should also be installed in any room which a flue
passes through, even if the flue is fully enclosed or concealed.
However, if there is a fuel-burning appliance in more than one room
and the number of alarms is limited, the following points should be
considered when deciding where best to put the alarm:
• Locate the alarm in a room containing a flueless or
open-flued appliance.
• Locate the alarm in a room where the occupant(s) spend most
• If the domestic premises is a bedsit (a single room serving
as both sitting and
bedroom) then the alarm should be put as far from the cooking
appliances as possible and near to where the person sleeps.
• If the appliance is in a room not normally used (for
example a boiler room), the alarm should be put just outside the
room so that it may be heard more easily.
For alarms located in the same room as a fuel-burning
appliance (for both wall and ceiling mounted alarms) the following
• The alarm should be at a horizontal distance of between 1 m
and 3 m from the
potential source.
• If there is a partition in a room, the alarm should be
located on the same side of the partition as the potential source.
• Carbon monoxide alarms in rooms with sloped ceilings should
be located at the
high side of the room.
In addition to the above the following must be observed if the
alarm is located on a wall:
• It should be located close to the ceiling.
• It should be located at a height greater than the height of
any door or window.
• It should be at least 150 mm from the ceiling.
If the alarm is located on the ceiling:
• It should be at least 300 mm from any wall and any ceiling
obstruction e.g. light fittings.
Alarms located in sleeping rooms and in rooms remote from a
appliance should be located relatively close to the breathing
zone of the occupants.
Detects dangerous concentrations of carbon monoxide within...
Carbon monoxide alarm with 10 year sealed battery