DeafEquipment - Solutions to improve the quality of life
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The Aqua+ is a soft, flexible silicone sleeve that fits over a Nucleus 5 or Nucleus 6 CP810 or CP900 series processor. When used with the Aqua+ Coil, you or your child can enjoy water activities where additional protection is needed.
A water protection rating of IP68 is your invitation to get
wet without cumbersome cases or annoying cables – the Aqua+ sits
comfortably on the ear and can be submerged under 3 metres of water
for up to 2 hours.
The Aqua+ gives you the ability to swim or bathe with your sound processor without the need for any cumbersome cables, cases or a special sound processor specifically for water activities. The Aqua+ fits over your Nucleus Sound Processor behind your ear, making it easy to wear as normal.
For parents, your child will love the fact that they can enjoy the pool or beach, just like their friends. You will have the confidence that your child will be able to hear you in and around water and not miss a word.
The Aqua+ flexible sleeve surrounds your processor in a watertight
housing and a specially designed waterproof coil (purchased
separately) connects the sound processor within the
If you don't already have the Aqua+ coil then
you will need to purchase it here.
It's durable, reusable, compact, and of course, waterproof!
"It was absolutely amazing to see her so happy talking and hearing and not having to worry that someone may be talking and she can’t hear them [in the pool]... It was absolutely wonderful to see her smiling." – Helen, Mom to 12 year old Nucleus recipient, Nicole
What can YOU do with Aqua+?
Snorkel in the ocean
Surf the half-pipe
Boogey-board on the sandy shoreline
Go tubing at the waterpark
Hobie cat on windswept waves
Go river rafting and kayaking
Dive in the deep end
Train for that triathlon
...And much more!
Watch our video (on the Video tab) to see how the Nucleus Aqua+
Compatible with:
Nucleus® 5 Sound Processor
Nucleus 6 Sound Processor
Cochlear part number: Z463273
Please note for hygiene reasons this product is excluded from
the Connevans extended returns policy.
Using the Aqua+ is as easy as 1-2-3:
1. Slip your sound processor into the silicon sleeve with the
earhook removed and microphone protectors in place.
2. Place the special Aqua+ coil into your sound processor.
3. Close the bottom of the silicon sleeve securely.
Watch our video (on the Video tab) to see how the Nucleus Aqua+ works.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which processor(s) is it compatible with?
The Aqua+ is designed to work with Nucleus 6 CP910 or CP920
processors and the Nucleus 5 CP810 processor with rechargeable
batteries only.
Can I use my regular coil and coil cable with the
No, the Aqua+ should only be used with the specified
Aqua+ Coil. This integrated coil-cable is designed specifically for
underwater swimming in all water types, while your standard coil
and coil cable are not.
Why can’t I use Zinc Air batteries?
Zinc Air batteries require air to remain active and will
not work inside the Aqua+ because the Aqua+ is air tight
What do I need in order to use the Aqua+?
The Aqua+ must be used with the Aqua+ Coil.
How is the Aqua+ used?
The user seals the sound processor inside the sleeve and
attaches the specially designed Aqua+ Coil to the processor. It can
then be worn behind the ear as normal. The Aqua+ is designed to be
used without any retention devices. However, if vigorous activity
is anticipated, it is recommended to use a retention device such as
the Mic Lock – Stirrup.
Can I wear the Aqua+ and Aqua+ Coil as my standard
The Aqua+ and Aqua+ Coil are designed and tested for
periodic use in water. Cochlear does not recommend using the Aqua+
and Aqua+ Coil for continuous use as a standard configuration. You
may notice a difference in sound quality when using the Aqua+.
What happens if the Aqua+ fails?
In the unlikely event that a sealed Aqua+ fails, the
processors intended for use with the Aqua+ have an ingress
protection rating of IP57 which will be adequate protection if any
leakage occurs. The sound processor warranty remains valid if a
processor is damaged while used according to instructions with the